20 Dec Victorian Rose Collection for Silkadore
This year I had the enormous pleasure of creating a collection of silk scarves for Silkadore. Silkadore is a brand that creates silk scarves hand-painted by renowned artisans in traditional techniques from Milanowek, Poland.
I can watch the silk painter create the scarves endlessly, and it makes me so proud that I was able to design this collection. Silkadore is a slow fashion brand that supports local traditional artisans in creating unforgettable “silk jewelry” pieces.

About the Collection:
“Victorian Roses Collection is for women who appreciate the classics and the craftsmanship of a hand-painted silk scarf as a jewelry piece.”
The rose became the central motif of the collection as the queen of flowers; it symbolizes love, femininity, dignity, and beauty at the same time. It also embodies sensuality and mysticism; it is delicate, feminine, and sensual but also strong, able to defend itself, and independent as today’s women.
The latest Silkadore collection includes elegant silk scarves with a Victorian rose motif in three color versions: malachite green, ruby red, and sapphire garnet.
The inspiration
The inspiration for the collection was the victorian era painting “The Soul of The Rose” from 1908. The painter William Waterhouse depicted a woman subtly and sensually delighted with the scent of roses.
“Looking at the painting, we also see the strength and restraint of the lady depicted. The artist visually translated the motif of feeling beautiful and amazed by the world into the design of an original silk scarf in the collection.” from Silkadore.

About Silkadore
“We create hand-paint scarves, shawls, and pocket squares on silk. We use traditional “Milanów” painting techniques and modern design for people who value timeless chic and elegance. Silkadore is much more than a coupon of pretty silk. It is timeless “jewelry” that can be given to yourself and someone close to you. Our silk accessories are appreciated by people who value not only class and elegance but also current trends and are inspired by contemporary fashion.
We live and work in Milanówek – the cradle of the Polish silk industry. It started here in 1924. In 1930, thanks to the siblings Henryk and Stanisława Witaczek, the first silk-making experimental station was established, which marked the beginning of the silk industry in Poland. Silk is inscribed in the DNA of our town. The fate of many Milanów families has been intertwined with him over the years. Silk made Milanówek famous not only in Poland but also abroad.
We are lovers and ‘admirers’ of silk, which has a timeless value. As members of the Milanów Silk Museum Association, we acted to promote the history of Polish silk making. We want to preserve our local cultural heritage by modernizing traditions and promoting hand painting on silk. The European funds obtained in 2017 support us a lot in this.
In 2018, we won a distinction in the competition for the Local Product of Milanówka, organized by the Milanowskie Centrum Kultury and the City Hall of Milanówka.” from Silkadore.
Ostatnio miałam ogromną przyjemność zaprojektować chusty dla marki Sikladore. Silkadore tworzy jedwabne chusty ręcznie malowane przez uznanych milanowskich artystów-rzemieślników. Więcej an ten temat an stronie Silkadore.